21 Day Clutter Clearing Quest
Service Description
21 Days clearing from the inside out Do you struggle with clutter? You are not alone. It is a challenge that is endemic in our consumer-driven culture. “Contemporary U.S. households have more possessions per household than any society in global history,” says Jeanne E. Arnold. More isn’t better. Studies show that we are not happier, healthier, smarter, or more loving as result of our stuff. Clutter is basically anything you don't love, don't use and don't really need in your life. Simply clearing the things that you don’t love and don’t use isn’t enough. If you don’t go to the source of the reason for the clutter, it will accumulate again. This 21 days Clutter Clearing Quest can help you remove the energetic wall that clutter creates and it can give you insight into what’s blocking you to live an extraordinary life.

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Contact Details
Willow Creek Road, Prescott, AZ, USA