acoustic sound healing practitioner
professional certification

Musical training is a more potent instrument than any other
in the integration of the human being
because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the Soul
on which they mightily fasten, imparting grace,
and making the Soul of him who is rightly educated truly graceful.
~ Plato

Sappho Recalled to Life by the Charm of Music
Louis Ducis, (c.1811)
Become an...
Acoustic Sound Healing Practitioner
and Guest Teacher MARIA McGONIGAL
We feel honored and privileged to continue sharing and teaching in the lineage of such great "Sound Masters" as: Pythagoras, Hermann Helmholtz, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Johannes Kepler and more recent ones as: Fabien Maman, Jonathan Goldman, Don Campbell, Alfred Tomatis and many others. We were deeply inspired by them all!
Our vision is to continue being messengers and re-creators of such magnificent wisdom
for the benefit of the individual and Humanity.
Russill Paul, author of "Yoga of Sound", informs us that: "The human species suffers from a pervading imbalance because the eye dominates the ear, which corresponds to male forms dominating the female. Many of our problems, ranging from unrest in our relationships to international conflict, can be minimized through reevaluating the way we view, utilize, and relate to sound - and, consequently, to the feminine in our lives."
This Certification Program is the culmination of Rian's lifetime relationship with music and sound. For the last 33 years he has been researching, experimenting and developing the potential of sound to balance, harmonize and heal on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.
Rian McGonigal has been a pioneer of the Acoustic Sound Healing movement since the late 1980's. A healing crisis he went through provided the opportunity to bring
Acoustic Sound Healing to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America and the Dr. O. Carl Simonton Cancer & Counseling Center where Rian developed and directed the
Therapeutic Music & Sound Departments.
Maria is a Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner & Trainer, Advanced Yoga & Meditation Teacher, International Retreat Leader and Speaker and International Best Selling Author.
Rian & Maria met in 1993, got married in 1996 and have worked together as a team ever since.
They beautifully blend the female and male energies and consciously apply the theory
that couples in love magnify the healing power.

Acoustic Sound Healing Practitioner
professional certification programs
in Prescott, AZ - USA
intensives & immersions
LEVEL I - 5 day immersion
APRIL 3-7, 2020
Registration Due Date
MARCH 27, 2020
LEVEL I - 5 Day immersion
OCTOBER 2-6, 2020
new Date coming soon
prescott, Arizona - USA

Mystical Watson Lake - 2 minutes from our Academy
The Acoustic Sound Healing Program is complete, unique and extensively researched.
We cover all the ancient sacred sound healing instruments and the voice.
The program also provides a profound inner journey of self-growth.
Acoustic Sound Healing practitioner
LEVEL I - intensive & immersion
Level I will be an introduction to the basic concepts and techniques of Acoustic Sound Healing that we've discovered, developed and practiced for over thirty years.
Backed up with extensive practical research and mental integration, the program will be a joyous exploration and application of the knowledge acquired.
You will be instructed in the basic concepts of:
~ Sound Frequencies, Cycles, Octaves, Monaural Beats, Binaural Beats, Resonance, Entrainment,
Overtones, Harmonics and how these concepts manifest among all the instruments and voice.
~ Color, Movement, Meditation, Breathing, Mantras
You will leave with an understanding and practical experience of:
~ How Sound heals on multi-dimensional levels.
~ Basic concepts of the physics of Sound
~ Techniques to skillfully apply basic concepts of Sound Healing
~ The instruments you will choose to incorporate into your Acoustic Sound Healing practice
~ Designing your own "Acoustic Sound Healing Session"
~ Creating your "Sacred Healing Space" applying Beauty, Feng Shui, Color, Aroma, Crystals, etc.
~ Energizing and raising your personal vibration, the vibration of your space and of your clients.
You will receive:
~ Certificate of Attendance - Level I
~ Certificate of Completion - Level I (after completion of Practicum)
~ Acoustic Sound Healing Training Manual by Rian & Maria McGonigal
~ Questionnaires for collecting testimonials for required sessions and completion of Practicum
~ Listing on our website of current Level I students available for personal sessions
~ 10% discount on the purchase of instruments and other sound & color related items from our store

Rian McGonigal - Music for Healing
The Nature of Sound
Emphasis on Basic Acoustic Sound Healing Techniques and Personal Sessions
Day 1 ~ Introduction/Drumming - Earth
Day 2 ~ Didgeridoo - Wood/Air
Day 3 ~ Crystal Singing Bowls - Mineral
Day 4 ~ Tibetan Bowls/Gongs - Metal
Day 5 ~ Voice - Air/Ether
~ You will be instructed and leave with a deep understanding of basic concepts and techniques
of Sound Therapy
~ You will receive full instruction on how to offer:
Personal Acoustic Sound Healing Sessions
- LEVEL I ~ Certificate of Attendance awarded after onsite training
- LEVEL I ~ Certificate of Completion awarded after Practicum
Students will have 6 months to complete 12 documented
Acoustic Sound Healing Personal Sessions

What is included
~ Welcome Evening
~ 5 Day Immersion
~ 33 hours of experiential training
~Acoustic Sound Healing Training Manual
by Rian & Maria McGonigal
~ Practicum Questionnaires
~ Listing on our website of current Level I
students available for personal sessions
~ FB Private Group
~ 10% discount on the purchase of instruments
and other sound & color related items from
our store during the training
~ Welcoming Evening Vegetarian Food Platter
~ 5 Delicious Organic Vegetarian Lunches
~ 1 Sumptuous Graduation Dinner
~ Organic Snacks and Teas
available during breaks
~ Sonic Excursion to an ancient vortex
(weather permitting)
~ 3 Day Intensive
~ 33 hours of experiential training
~ Acoustic Sound Healing Training Manual
by Rian & Maria McGonigal
~ Practicum Questionnaires
~ Listing on our website of current Level I
students available for personal sessions
~ FB Private Group
~ 10% discount on the purchase of instruments
and other sound & color related items from
our store during the training
~ 3 Delicious Organic Vegetarian Lunches
~ 2 Delicious Organic Vegetarian Dinners
~ 1 Sumptuous Graduation Dinner
~ Organic Snacks and Teas
available during breaks
~ Sonic Excursion to an ancient vortex
(weather permitting)

Healing Music
course format
~ Welcoming Evening
~ 5 Day On-Site Immersion
~ PRACTICUM - will occur after the
5 Day On-Site Immersion
The Practicum is an intrinsic and most important part of the Training.
Graduation Certificate will only be awarded if and when the PRACTICUM is completed to the satisfaction of the Trainer.
~ Welcoming Evening
~ 3 Day On-Site Intensive
~ PRACTICUM - will occur after the
3 Day On-Site Intensive
The Practicum is an intrinsic and most important part of the Training.
Graduation Certificate will only be awarded if and when the PRACTICUM is completed to the satisfaction of the Trainer.
Program schedule

6pm to 8pm
Enjoy our beautiful, organic & vegetarian food platter, while meeting and greeting your fellow students.

During this intensive training you will have time to rest, breathe, journal and contemplate.

9am to 12pm - 1pm to 4pm
Embark on an experiential sound journey and become a knowledgeable
Vibrational Sound Healing Practitioner

Candlelight Graduation Dinner.
Enjoy your sumptuous farewell dinner.

12pm to 1pm
Indulge in wholesome, organic lunches in our beautiful living room or peaceful garden.

Sonic Excursion to an ancient vortex (weather permitting)

World Premiere Performance of "Brahma" by Rian McGonigal
Acoustic Sound Healing Practitioner
Professional Certification
welcome packet
After you Register you will receive a Welcome Packet with abundant information on Lodging including AirBnb, Restaurants with Vegetarian/Vegan options, Health Food Stores, Rental Car Companies, Airport Shuttles, and much more...
You will also be added to our private Facebook Group
to begin connecting with other students.
You might want to share a ride or accommodations.
~ Esteem Clinic, CA (1988)
~ The Philosophical Research Society, CA (1991-96)
~ Cancer Treatment Centers of America, CA (1993-95)
~ Curentur University of Holistic Medicine, CA (1994)
~ The Simonton Cancer & Counseling Center, CA (1993-97)
~ Golden Lotus Academy, AZ (1997 to present)
This Program is a living entity.
It will evolve and expand as our consciousness evolves and expands.
We continue updating the program with the latest research in the field
and our evolutionary insights
We reserve the right to change the Program and/or fees at anytime