Soul Coaching® International Institute
Soul Coaching®
"The Soul Loves The Truth"
What is Soul Coaching® ?
“At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul.
It beckons you, like an ancient forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders.
Soul Coaching® is a simple path of the heart
to the temple that dwells at its depth”.
~ Denise Linn, Soul Coaching® Founder

The aim of Soul Coaching is to align your inner spiritual life
with your outer life.
It helps you to clear away mental and emotional clutter so you can hear the messages from within.
It also helps you discover your purpose so you can design a life that supports your mission.
What is Unique about Soul Coaching®
Soul Coaching is not therapy. Therapy usually focuses on emotional healing.
Soul Coaching is not life coaching. Life Coaching focuses on the attainment of a goal through motivation or inspiration.
Soul Coaching is unique and different from these practices in that its primary aim is to clear away inner debris, so you can discover your own inner wisdom.
The understanding of who you are can never be taught by another.
It is only when you reach into the wellspring of your being that the truth of the soul springs forth.

"The soul loves the truth"
How soul coaching® was born
Many people associate the word “coach” with the image of someone who drives his athletes towards improvement and perfection.
This same model for coaching was fostered when life coaching came into fashion.
Traditional life coaches motivate, push, prod, and hold their clients accountable to reach a higher level of excellence.
This model of coaching works well in most cases, however, it often can lead to a kind of tiredness of the soul.
As life coaching expanded in popularity, modern businesses were quick to utilize it in their departments – refining techniques of motivation.
Coaching seemed to reflect the current trends in modern culture towards faster productivity.
However, even with all the latest coaching methods, time saving devices, organization systems, and motivation technology, something was missing.
There was a need for an everyday experience of spirit and a connection to the inner states of intuition, mystery, and wonder.
Hence Soul Coaching® was born.

Denise Linn is the Founder of Soul Coaching® and has been called "America's best-kept secret."
For the last three and a half decades she has traveled to the far corners of the world speaking to standing-room only audiences of thousands.
Her spiritual journey began as a teenager when she had a near-death experience after being shot by an unknown gunman.
The revelations she received on the "other side" and the subsequent amazing healing of her wounds led Denise to eventually become an internationally respected healer, writer, and teacher.
Visit Denise Linn's Website
Carrying on the Soul Coaching® legacy
Internationally respected healer, writer, and teacher Denise Linn,
founded Soul Coaching® in 2003.
Denise taught the original 56 certification programs, all over the world.
While she no longer personally teaches this certification program, she has personally certified amazing Soul Coaching Trainers who offer this program in many countries, languages and with their beautiful personality and background.
These trainers offer the same curriculum, using the same training materials,
and core experiential processes for new Soul Coaching Practitioners
to experience the program as well as learn how to be a powerful and heartfelt Practitioner.
Maria McGonigal
Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner & Trainer
"Maria is one of the very few individuals worldwide that I have personally chosen to carry the Soul Coaching® legacy into the future, through training and certifying professional Soul Coaching® Practitioners.
Maria is an extraordinary Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner and Trainer.
She creates a safe and nurturing environment for discovering the soul's truth; those who attend her events experience remarkable transformations in their lives.
~ Denise Linn - Founder, International Institute of Soul Coaching®