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Soul Coaching® International institute

Soul coaching®
Advanced Practitioner

Professional Certification

Are you a Certified Soul Coaching® Practitioner?
If yes, you are now ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime.


Take your next Step
in becoming a

Soul Coaching® Advanced Practitioner

As a Certified Soul Coaching® Practitioner you know the incredible wealth of knowledge and information available to you, and to your students and clients.

In the Advanced Soul Coaching® Practitioner Certification

we are adding potent tools that will immensely magnify

the already transformative power of the Soul Coaching® Program.


The Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification

is more than information that can be read, questions answered, or diagrams drawn.


It is also the process of strengthening the connection to the divine within yourself

so you can then extend that connection to your students and clients.

It is about magnifying your own power and inner wisdom.


The Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification

is also a gateway into becoming a


Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner

and/or a

Soul Coaching® Trainer



I am inviting you to step

into your next level of transformation!

Become a catalyst to inspire others

 as we create a New World
where every desire is a proclamation from our Soul!



Soul coaching® Practitioner Certification

6~Day Transformational Professional Training
MARCH 10 ~ 15, 2023

 Location TBA in mystical Prescott, AZ - USA

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Soul Coaching® Practitioner
Professional Certification
6-Day Training ~ Retreat Style

Maria McGonigal

International Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner & Advanced Trainer

As an International Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner & Advanced Trainer

my Vision and Mission is:


To train, cultivate, certify, and inspire compassionate and intuitive


Soul Coaching® Advanced Practitioners


of the highest caliber, integrity, and professionalism, while supporting each other

for the highest good and with a depth of kindness and authenticity.


My goal is to effect positive change for the planet.

We will do this through our Soul Coaching® teaching and personal practices.

Empowering others, creating joy in the world, one life at a time.

"Maria is the epitome of wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. She embodies a spirit which is always seeking and striving and she encourages nothing less from her students.


If you are ready to be “all in” for the journey to your spiritual core, then Maria is the Soul Coaching Trainer for you!

I was not sure what to expect and wasn’t really clear as to why I had come to this training. The eight days I spent with Maria and my “soul sisters” were some of the most transformational of my life.
Maria helped me to connect with my soul so that I was able to help myself. To gain a level of clarity I could not have achieved without her guidance.


This was not a smooth journey... it was a journey of truth... a journey I needed to make. 
It is not easy to express in words how life changing and wonderful this experience was.

Maria’s essence is fire and authenticity.

She brings all of herself to the circle of Soul Coaching and for those of us brave enough to step into this circle with her... we are forever blessed."

ā€Ø~ Monica Galli - Soul Coaching® Practitioner


Mother Tree
Botanical Garden ~ Coimbra, Portugal

Monica Galli ~ Soul CoachingĀ® Practitioner
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Advanced Certification
what's new

Below is a small sample of what you will learn on the Advanced Training:

Questions for life method

The Questions for Life Program is a coaching method with 344 in-depth questions

One of the fastest ways to know yourself is through questions.
Asking probing questions, especially the uncomfortable and challenging ones, is one of the quickest ways to understand and accept yourself.
Questions are a powerful
tool for self growth and ignite deep introspection.
The path to an extraordinary life is to discover who you truly are and then fully give every aspect of your gift to the world.


This brand new Soul Coaching® potent tool can be used

as standalone for Soul Coaching® Sessions,

or as a whole new series of services for you to offer

Advanced Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing QUEST
21 Days Clearing From The Inside Out Program

A minimalist lifestyle is the process of identifying what is essential in your life and ha

© Maria McGonigal 2023

This 21 days Advanced Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest will help you remove the energetic wall that clutter creates and it will give you insight into what’s blocking you to live an extraordinary life.


    ~ Some of what you will learn:


  • What Is Clutter and Why You Keep It

  • Scientific Reasons Why It’s Hard to Let Go of Clutter

  • Why it is Important to Clear Clutter

  • The Negative Effects of Clutter

  • The Emotional Toll of Clutter

  • How Clutter Affects Our Ability To Take Charge Of Our Lives

  • How Clutter Blocks Opportunities from Coming into Your Life



       7 Clutter Clearing Myths


This brand new Soul Coaching® life-transforming program can be used with individuals or in a group setting

Soul Coaching® Business and Professional Development

~ Step into your new role as an ADVANCED Soul Coaching® teacher and leader
~ Be guided into a Soul Journey to magnify your Abundance
~ Learn new ways of offering your programs online and reach a worldwide audience

~ Find out who is your ideal client
~ Create a magnetic elevator speech that will attract new students and clients wherever you go
~ Write and create a video to introduce yourself to your audience

~ Schedule your first event as an Advanced Soul Coaching® Practitioner


The most important part of the official 28 Day Soul Coaching® Program is the QUEST.
The reason for the 28-day program is in preparation for the quest.
We will explore in-depth the various aspects and elements of a QUEST and how you can introduce  the QUEST to your students and clients.


 five exquisite gifts

Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body

A 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality
with Maria McGonigal

"Unlock the Secret Messages of Your Body" Program, a 28-Day Jump-Start Program for Radiant Health and Glorious Vitality.

~ You will be a part of this life changing 28 day online program AFTER your on-site training

~ You will learn methods for offering online programs and create workshops and events with elements of this program!

Introduction to Sound Healing

by Rian McGonigal
Classical Guitarist, Sound Healing Pioneer

Rian shares how he got started with therapeutic music and how he transitioned into acoustic sound therapy.
He describes his journey from a concert classical guitarist to developing sound therapy programs for major cancer treatment centers. Rian will demonstrate various sound therapy instruments that are popular in the field and how you can use them in your Soul Coaching® practice.
This 1-hour Zoom session will be scheduled after the onsite training.

15 Pearls of Wisdom to Live an Authentic Life

by Maria McGonigal

Receive an "Inspirational Video" designed by Maria McGonigal.
This video was created with 15 Inspirational quotes by Maria with beautiful photos that will inspire you to live an authentic life.
You can also use this video to inspire and uplift your students and clients. Feel free to share it as a post on FB, Instagram, etc.

Sublime Sound Activation

by Maria McGonigal
Sound Healing Practitioner & Trainer

The ancients used sound to heal and raise consciousness. Now, new physics assures us literally that “all is vibration”.

We understand that “intention” is carried by sound. Our intention is to harmonize the body, mind, emotions, and spirit and to raise consciousness.
Maria will create a unique sonic voyage where you can float away into a dreamland of harmony and peace.

Four Unique Initiations Into The 4 Sacred Elements

with Maria McGonigal

Dive deep into Nature and the nature of your Elemental Self with powerful INITIATIONS into the Four Sacred Elements.
From our private home studio we will go on excursions into the Granite Dells (1.4 billion years old), Mystical Watson and Willow Lakes
and other ancient vortices on Native American land.


Weather Permitting we will go outdoors or they will be performed indoors


Surprise gifts

What to Expect from the Advanced certification

The Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification

is a deepening of the existing Soul Coaching information,

a review of all the 28-day programs that can be offered,

 and adding additional tools and services for the Advanced Soul Coaching® Practitioner to offer.


The Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification

is more than information that can be read, questions answered, or diagrams drawn.


The Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification is also the process of strengthening the connection to the divine within yourself so you can then extend that connection to your students and clients.

It is about magnifying your own power and inner wisdom.


During this transformative training, I will assist and guide you, to increase your ability to release old negative programming, so you can empower and assist others utilizing the knowledge of Soul Coaching® principles to activate joy in your life.


The Advanced Soul Coaching® Trainings

are deeply experiential, highly dynamic and interactive.


You will receive an amazing wealth of material, resources and in-depth programs to assist your students and clients raise awareness while manifesting an authentic and joyful life.

course format

Soul Coaching® Certification

The Advanced Training is held On-Site and In Person to work deeply with the students
on the core aspects of the program, allowing them to practice client rapport,
soul journeys and other processes safely and receive feedback from the Trainer.

Full Training - 73 Hours (minimum)
~ Pre On-Site Training
    Questions for Life Method (12 hours minimum)
    Questions for Life Method is a Life Assessment Questionnaire that you will work with at home, at
     your own pace, before the 6 day on-site training.
    In addition we will have a Facebook private and secure group where you can share your process and 

     insights with others as a part of this self-discovery

~ 6 Day On-Site Day Class (40 Hours)
    At a sacred space TBA
   No lodging included - students have option to stay wherever they wish but there is the possibility of renting an AirBnb where students can share lodging.

   You will undertake an insightful, personal QUEST at a ancient power spot in nature

    (weather permitting)

~ Post On-Site Training
    Advanced Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest Program (21 hours minimum)
Self Study for the Clutter Clearing Quest (21-day program)

~ Special Gift - 28-Day Unlock The Secret Messages of  Your Body Program
As a special Bonus, Maria McGonigal, will be offering you the opportunity to go through a 28 day

    program online.
    We will connect on a Facebook private and secure group, where you will delve deep into the 28 day
    program and learn how to offer your own programs online.
28 Day Online Program
will occur after the 6-Day On-Site)

All you need is a computer and minimal knowledge on how to use it.
Maria will share many ways and tips for you to easily set up your online courses
so you can connect and teach people all over the world.

Have questions?
Set up a Free Discovery Call

course content

Review of the SC Manual


For some people coming to the Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification Training, the manual may be significantly different from their original manual. Much more content in is the later manuals, than the original 2003 edition. We will take the time to review the content as needed.

Overview of the Advanced Soul Coaching® Certification Content


~ Trademarked and worldwide recognized Coaching Program

~ 40 hours Advanced Professional Certification Program

    with a variety of Coaching Methods and Programs

~ Deluxe Soul Coaching® Workbook (233 pages)


~ Online 28-Day Soul Coaching® Program (after on-site training)


~ USB stick with program information and logos

~ Sacred Soul Coaching Collage® Program


~ Questions for Life Method - NEW


~ Advanced Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Quest Program - NEW


~ QUEST - Gain a deeper, experiential understanding of the mystical power of the QUEST

• Step into the next level of Soul Coaching® as a teacher and leader

• Explore the vast, in-depth Questions for Life Program, to be used for standalone for Soul

   Coaching ® Sessions, or as a whole new series of services for you to offer.

• Receive the Advanced Soul Coaching® Clutter Clearing Program

• Discover new fabulous Soul Journeys

• Participate in supported Soul Journeys. Each student will received at least one personal Soul
  Journey and have led another student in a personal Soul Journey.


• Access new group programs and one day workshops you can offer your clients and students.


• We will review what materials are available online for your use and how to access them.

• We will review the other Soul Coaching® Programs you can offer:
  1. Unlock the Secret messages of Your Body
  2. Surviving and Thriving
  3. Letting Go



and much more...


Have questions?

Set up a Free Discovery Call

what my unique  certification offers

Each day we diffuse high-quality Essential Oils, (organic when available),

to calm, ground, stimulate or elevate your mood.

IMG_1230 copy.JPG

6 Day On-Site Day Class
At a sacred space TBA with healing instruments from all over the world.
No lodging included. Students have option to stay wherever they wish.
After you Register you will receive a packet with extensive information on lodging, healthy restaurants, food stores, car rental, etc..


~ Official, Deluxe Soul Coaching® Manual


~ USB stick with program information and logos


~ Beautifully printed booklet of the Questions for Life Method - NEW


~ Beautifully printed booklet of the Clutter Clearing Quest Program - NEW

Fresh Green Salad with Feta

Exquisite Food  Creations
Delicious Organic, Vegetarian & Gluten Free Meals
6 Lunches and 6 Dinners
Created and served by one of our Dream Team members

and personal Chef Extraordinaire, Tony Burris


Excursions onto the beautiful, ancient land
Powerfully connect with the Four Sacred Elements.
From our private home studio we will go on excursions into the Granite Dells (1.4 billion years old), 

Mystical Watson and Willow Lakes and other powerful ancient vortices.
Weather Permitting


Acoustic Sound Healing

The ancients used sound to heal and raise consciousness. Now, new physics assures us literally that “all is vibration”.
We will use live vibrational sound throughout the Training, to harmonize the mind, body and spirit and raise consciousness.
We will use Crystal & Himalayan Bowls, Gongs, Chimes, Didgeridoos, Drums, Monochord, etc. and the power of your own voice.


Powerful Breathing Exercises, Gentle Movement and Meditation
Yoga and Meditation are elegant and intelligent systems of healing body, mind, emotions and spirit used in India for thousands of years.

Maria, has been a Yoga & Meditation teacher and student for over 2 decades.
She will share breathing techniques, Mudras (hand gestures) and gentle movements to assist us in moving energy in the body and calm the mind.

daily schedule

6 Glorious Days

amazing retreat like experience

"Maria created the perfect blend of workshop and retreat."
Miss Jade Waken - Soul Coaching® Certification - October, 2018

Day 1 to Day 6


9:00am – Welcome!

10:30am – Break

12:00 to 2pm – Lunch
Resting, Relaxing and journaling, completing collages, spirit sticks, etc.


3:30pm – Break

5:30pm - Dinner

Two Enchanted Evenings ~ QUEST & GRADUATION

6:30pm - 7:30pm




Soul coaching® Advanced Practitioner Professional Certification
6-Day Transformational Retreat Style Training

MARCH 10 - 15, 2023
in Prescott, AZ ~ Sacred Space TBA

Registration Due Date ~ March 3, 2023
Online 28-Day Program begins
New Moon ~
April 1, 2023



Our trainings are small and intimate

so we can give you abundant personal attention



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Full Tuition


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Private Trainings

are available if these dates don't work for you

or if you would like to have Maria's full attention



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full tuition


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 We have a
No Refund Policy
 except in the case of a cancellation by Maria McGonigal, OURO LLC


 Please make sure you carefully read our:

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Group Training

Advanced Soul Coaching® Advanced Practitioner 
Professional Certification


is a gateway to becoming a


Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner


and a


Soul Coaching® Trainer


  Your Future is Luminous 

Soul Coaching® Certification Levels

Soul Coaching® International institute


There are several levels of certification within the Soul Coaching® system:



SCAT ~ Soul Coaching® advanced Trainer
A SCAT has successfully held the required number of Soul Coaching® certification programs and number of graduated students and has completed the curriculum review process.

They may offer and teach Advanced Soul Coaching® Practitioner Certification programs.


SCT ~ Soul Coaching® Trainer
A SCT has completed teacher training as outlined by the Soul Coaching® , and is certified to train and grant certification to students as SCP.

They have signed the SCT license agreement that they have completed all requirements to be able to offer and teach AUTHORIZED Soul Coaching® Practitioner Certification programs.


SCMP ~ Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner
A SCMP has completed teacher training as outlined by the Soul Coaching® .

They have signed the practitioner license agreement.

They may not be interested in being a Trainer at this time, or have not yet fulfilled their requirements in number of clients or programs in order to apply for their SCT.


SCAP ~ Soul Coaching® Advanced Practitioner
A SCAP has trained and certified as an Advanced SC Training program, with Denise Linn Seminars, and has signed the practitioner license agreement.


SCP ~ Soul Coaching® Practitioner
A SCP has completed training in Soul Coaching® as outlined by Denise Linn Seminars.

They have signed the practitioners license agreement in order to be recognized as official SCP.



Adventures in Consciousness & Transformation







This is a very special offer for my graduates of the Soul Coaching® Trainings.
It is an optional, post-graduation retreat in Sedona.




The mystical land called Sedona has long been held as a sacred place.
A place of emergence and communion with spirit. A place where we are aware of the land as a living entity, responding to our hearts.


Through ceremony, rituals and celebration, performed with deep reverence, we connect, receive, and give back to this sacred land.

You have just completed six days of deep transformational work and deserve a memorable gift. Celebrate your Graduation with a gift to self.


Set the energy for the next step of your journey, to be one where you give to yourself first.
Then, and only then, can you give to others from an overflowing cup.

In the magnifying vortex of Sedona, I will guide you through a Soul Journey, to seed your intentions for your future as a
Soul Coaching® Advanced Practitioner.

This retreat will be a truly empowering adventure.

Come along and use the incredible energy generated during the transformative 6 days,

and the potent energy of this mystical sacred land,

to seed your audacious dreams, visions and desires for a luminous future.


Adventures in Consciousness & Transformation

offers private or small intimate retreats (maximum 4 people) throughout the year.

Sedona Sagrada means Sacred Sedona



Post  Graduation

Sedona Sagrada Retreat

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We leave Prescott at 8 am sharp
and will return around 6 pm


~ Transportation from and back to Prescott
~ Lunch
~ Excursion to a powerful vortex (weather permitting)

    or indoors at a local sacred space
~ Feather Clearing Ceremony

~ Soul Journey
~ Ancient Yogic Breathing exercises
~ Vibrational Sound Activation

~ Vision Quest
~ A Crystal Gift - to be energized with your intentions
  and gifted back to the land
Cleansing Ceremony with Essential Oils


This is an exclusive, specially priced retreat

for my graduates

of the Soul Coaching® Trainings

Special  Price



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 We have a No Refund Policy  except in the case of a cancellation by Maria McGonigal, OURO LLC

Please check our ACT page for more info on retreats to incredibly beautiful power spots around Arizona.

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